Creative Concept I Artdirection I Realisation
Sparkasse schweigekloster.png


Film, Printcampaign, Tito, Vow, W§S

Entwicklung von Print- und Filmkonzepten für die verschiedenen Service-Pakete der Sparkasse.

Development and realisation of a printcampaign and commercials for the differnt sevices provided by the SPARKASSE.

 Sparkasse Baufinanzierung  I  home loans   Concept  I  Art Direction  I  Classic   I  Film    You are never too young to appreciate owning a home of one's own.

Sparkasse Baufinanzierung I home loans

Concept I Art Direction I Classic I Film

You are never too young to appreciate owning a home of one's own.

Concept I Art Direction I Film

Sparkasse creditcards come with many application possiblities. When it comes to money - Sparkasse.

Concept I Art Direction I Film

Waldorf & Stadler: Grumpy old men teasing about the Sparkasse concepts for financial independency in career planning. When it comes to money - Sparkasse.

Concept I Art Direction I Film

Schweigegelübde - Vow of silence
Banking without words - with Sparkasse online banking.
When it comes to money - Sparkasse.